Wednesday, 27 March 2024

Arnold Chiari Malformation Attack

I had to go to A&E Sunday ist March because I had an attack of Arnold Chiari Malformation (ACM) I had horrific pain in my spine. At first I was thinking it was syringomyelia (syrinx) I was so pleased it wasn't a (syrinx) after all
I felt a bit better knowing the MRI on my neck and spine showed it to be (ACM) which is bad enough, and NOT a syrinx although I was in a lot of pain with ACM.
I was diagnosed with Arnold Chiari Malformation 2006. It's a rare condition of of the brain and spine. ACM has many symptoms, too many for me to write here. If you want to know what Arnold Chiari Malformation is, or the symptoms, or syringomyelia. Arnold Chiari Malformation or Syringomyelia can only be found by having an MRI.
You can find the information on google. 

I had X-ray, no chest infection thank God. Then I had an MRI, I've got no  syringomyelia (syrinx)  in my spine which I was afraid of as it causes so much complications or death
It was Arnold Chiari Malformation (ACM) causing my pains in my spine, shoulders, neck, and severe pressure headache in back of head. 
Syrinx is fluid in a cavity in the spine cavity that has to be drained, I think its like a lumber punch, I'm not really sure.
If not treated there could cripple or kill.  

I went in carers office downstairs to book care in some aspects of help like showering, making my bed, and-or at times getting dressed. I felt like I needed help most of last week, and for a long time before., but I've tried to do things on my own, but it's getting harder now to get things done.

I'm still in pain everywhere mentioned but. I'm  feeling a lot better than I was. 


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